Fractional leadership: Why is it slower to take off in Asia, and how to tap into this growth hack?

In the current tech and funding winter, “gig” leadership is making its way into Asia. From finance to marketing and human resources, it is transforming our traditional definitions of leadership within a company. We ask community and human resources leaders five burning questions about this trending topic.

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Surviving a prolonged tech winter

After a particularly long summer, this may be the first tech winter many are experiencing. How are founders and talent faring, and how can we help ourselves and one another during these trying times? ConnectOne speaks to community leaders and talent for insights.

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Are recruiters losing their mojo?

In our current world where there is more talent than jobs, widespread job cutting and easy access to job sites, where do recruitment agencies fit in? Our insiders reflect on the evolving role of recruiters and how hiring managers and jobseekers can work it to their advantage.

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How Did Quiet Quitting Get So Loud?

Is quiet quitting a new sort of resistance or learnt helplessness? Does it point to weak employees or leadership? Is it the spirit of our times or a new way to call an old problem? 2 HR leaders weigh in.

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Startup Recruitment Connect One Partners Startup Recruitment Connect One Partners

Found the perfect candidate? Don’t forget to check their references

Esther was, by all HR design, the perfect candidate. She fielded questions perfectly through the multiple rounds of interviews—including extensive case interviews. She performed admirably in an on-site immersion test to assess for further fit. Excited to have her on, we neglected to conduct a reference check. In hindsight, that could have saved us a lot of pain.

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Startup Recruitment Connect One Partners Startup Recruitment Connect One Partners

Think like an investor: When to invest in experienced hires

As hard as it is to hear, being a startup founder does not automatically qualify you to run a business. While it is likely that they would be CEO by default, founders should examine their strengths and capabilities and be honest about in their business or technical acumen. Admitting there are gaps is not a sign of founder incapability; it is the opposite.

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Hiring Trends in Singapore - Dec 2021

Hiring Trends in Singapore - May 2021


Hiring for Potential


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