An introvert's guide to job hunting

You have just lost your job. Everyone tells you that networking is the most effective way to find yourself a new job especially in the tight labour market. You are reserved and have always preferred small gatherings to large groups. How do you start networking? Covid-19 has reduced opportunities to socialize. It is the silver lining for introverts who never enjoyed networking anyway!

Let’s get started with these simple tips: 

1) Firstly, give yourself permission to take some time off. Pause. Consider this as a retreat to reflect. Evaluate your career. What are your skills? When performing which skill/s do you feel most energized by? What function and industries have you been in? What industries or function or company are you interested in NEXT? Why?  

2) Then, stitch all those points together and write a short summary of yourself. This is known as an elevator pitch ie it can be said in as much time as you need to reach your floor in an elevator (30 secs).

For eg, I am a business analyst(skill) that has helped company leaders make data-driven decisions in the financial services industry (industry). I am energized by crunching complex data sets and visualizing it for leaders to make important business decisions. I have a special interest in data science and have just completed a course at XXXX. My goal is to pivot my career to the healthcare industry especially in tech as I believe my skills will be important for its future development.

As an introvert, it is natural to wonder if there is an air of bragging to the pitch. The solution is simple. Check with someone else.

3) Validate your elevator pitch. Ask 3 people that you worked closely with to comment on it. Ask for candid feedback. Review and edit as necessary.

4) Review your CV. Do the job titles, role description and other details build on the key points in your elevator pitch. For example, if business analyst/business intelligence is your biggest strength and interest, do the examples that you highlight in your CV expand on it. 

Tip: You don’t need to list everything that you have done in the previous job/company. Infact, it is better to be selective as a recruiter only has a few seconds to determine a fit.

4) Ask for help (this might be a challenge for introverts but a structured approach helps). Make a list of friends, ex-colleagues, family, school alumni and other communities which you are part of. As an introvert, the list may be short but don’t be discouraged. Dig deep and come up with as many names as you can. You probably have not seen many of them for a while. Write them a private message. Let them know that you are looking for a job. Share your elevator pitch and a CV. Be vulnerable, humble yet specific in your ask. Generic broad requests are hard to help. For example, "if you know of any business/data analyst roles in healthcare technology companies, please let me know?” or ' 'if you know of anyone working in healthtech, please let me know?' Messages should be as tailored as possible, you will make it easier for those who can help to step forward. Most would genuinely want to if they can!

"Generic broad requests are hard to help.

Be specific"

5) Join a webinar or online networking sessions, especially during the prolonged distancing. Find those that are related to the industries or companies that you have selected. It is perfect for an introvert. You do not have to make small talk or wonder which corner of the room to hang out in. After the webinar, establish contact with the participants that might be of help. Email or send a LinkedIn message, introducing yourself as someone from the online session. Always begin by sharing something personal for example, “I like that you said xxxxx at the webinar followed by the specific intention for connecting. An excerpt from your elevator pitch is a good place to start. 

6) Social Media/Private Chat Channels - Perfect for Introverts :) Follow communities and groups. Like and comment on posts/articles that resonate. When you are ready, start writing and sharing articles as well. Be purposeful. Share and engage in content that reflects your career story and elevator pitch.

“A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory.”

Arthur Golden

All our the best to you!!

Written jointly by Elena & Xue. Supporting the community in unprecedented times.


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